Thank you for making a gift to empower healing and self-sufficiency for homeless mothers and their children. Here are examples of how your gift will break the cycles of poverty, homelessness, addiction, and violence.
$5,000 – provides 1 year of continuing therapy, case management, and other supportive services for a mother and her children in Aftercare
$2,500 – provides 1 month of skilled, strengths-based case management for 17 families working toward self-sufficiency
$1,000 - provides 1 week of children’s group activities for up to 50 children, including art, anti-bullying programming, physical fitness, and substance abuse prevention
$500 - provides 5 hours of individual therapy for a child in crisis
$250 – provides 1 month of healthy snacks for children’s groups at Sheffield Place
$100 – provides a welcome package for a homeless mom or child arriving at Sheffield Place – sheets, blankets, pillow, towels, and toiletries